In vitro Efficacy of three fungicides on the development of rotting oranges from the cold of Kenitra (Morocco)
- Author Khaled Attrassi
- Co-Author Ouafaa Belamghari, Mohamed Rahouti
- Country : Morocco
- Subject : Education
In this study, in vitro efficiency of three fungicides is observed on 6 fungi responsible for the rot of oranges in conservation in the cold room of Kenitra. Azoxystrobine were less active in the inhibition of the mycelial rowth of Alternaria alternata, Aspergillus niger, Fusarium oxysporum, Penicillium digitatum, Rhizopus stolonifer, Penicillium italicum, with the values of CI50 respectively of >500; 430,142 ; 219,374 ; 353,635 ; >500 and 138,148 ppm. The values of CI50 obtained for the benomyl, the thiabendazole and Azoxystrobine showed that these fungicides are very effective in the inhibition of the sporulation and the germination of the majority of fungi studied.
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