Role of Public Transportation in Employment and Income Generation of Urban Poor: A Case Study of Allahabad District Of Uttar Pradesh
- Author Dr. Vivek Kumar Mishra
- Co-Author Dr. Alka Mishra
- Country : India
- Subject : Economics
There can be so many aspects related to the public transport and urban poors; however from the point of view of time and resources available the present study confined itself to study the role of public transportation in the income and employment generation of the urban poors with special reference to Allahabad district of Uttar Pradesh. The study is based on primary as well as secondary data. To assess the association between selected attributes Pearson chi square test of association has been used. It has been revealed from the study that public transportation plays a very vital role in the income and employment generation of the same. There are many drivers who want to purchase their own vehicle whether it is cycle rickshaw, auto rickshaw, e rickshaw or cab. A growing attraction towards the e rickshaw in Allahabad district has also been observed during the field survey. The greatest hurdle experienced by them in this respect is poor financial condition. Therefore the study suggests that if easy availability of loans for the purchase of vehicles can be assured especially for the e rickshaw, some new opportunities can be created in terms of employment and income generation while leading to relatively green transportation.
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