Election Management and Voters Turnout in Enugu State: A Case Study of 2015 Governorship Election.
- Author Umeh, Lucy Chinwe
- DOI 10.17605/O
- Country : Nigeria
- Subject : Political Science
This study interrogated Election Management and Voters’ Turnout in Enugu State: A case study of 2015 Governorship election. It examined the following research questions: Did poor voter education by INEC account for voter apathy experienced in the 2015 governorship election of Enugu State? Did the use of card reader machine enhance efficient election management during the 2015 governorship election in Enugu state? This research paper was anchored on the theoretical framework of structural functionalism by Gabriel Almond. The study presented the following hypothesis: Poor voters’ education by INEC accounted for voters’ apathy experienced in the 2015 governorship election in Enugu and the use of card reader machine did not enhance election management during the 2015 governorship election in Enugu. Documentary methods of data collection were adopted together with content analysis of data. This study discovered that poor voters’ education by INEC accounted for voters’ apathy experienced in the 2015 governorship election and that the use of card reader did not enhance efficient election management during the 2015 governorship election. Finally,
it recommended that INEC should improve on voters’ education by introducing more electoral platforms with which to educate the citizens on the need for them to participate fully in elections, convince and ensure them, that their votes count. Also a pilot test of the smart card reader machine should be done a month to the main election together with training of both the citizens/staff on how to use the permanent voter card on the card reader machines in order to avoid invalid votes.
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