Challenges facing nursing faculty members teaching culturally competent nursing students using the multiple intelligences theory

Colleen Marzilli

Challenges facing nursing faculty members teaching culturally competent nursing students using the multiple intelligences theory

Keywords : culture, cultural competence, nursing education, multiple intelligences theory


Cultural competent health care delivery is a necessary component to the effective delivery of health care in the United States (US). Nursing students require cultural competence education in their nursing school curriculum, and nursing faculty can successfully teach cultural competence to students. The current manner of teaching cultural competence education lacks the ability to engage students, and nursing faculty can meet this challenge through changing the instructional method currently utilized in nursing education. Using the theory of multiple intelligences (MI), nursing faculty can address the various learning styles and engage nursing students in cultural competency education. By changing the method of delivery, nursing faculty can meet current and future challenges related to cultural competency education and positively impact the health disparities in the US health care system.


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