Diasporic men writers: An overview

Keywords : Diasporic Men Writers, Multitude of ethnic, Diaspora


In the literature of the Diaspora is of exact interest as the narratives speak about exile, displacement in space, time and history, the representation of the immigrant psyche, feminizing the postcolonial landscape, native critique of Male-Eurocentric history, theology of the oppressed and ethnographic feminisms etc., to drive home the point of displacement through the literature of resistance and subversion. It was in the 1990s that Diaspora literature was noted for its immigrant subjective and the angst of the displaced. Diaspora was extended to ensconce a multitude of ethnic, religious and national communities who found them living outside of the territory to which they were historically rooted. Diaspora is also ment to overcome and redefine essentialzed assumptions regarding concepts like hybridity, nomadism and creolization. In terms of identity studies, these terms have risen beyond their essentialized terms of definitions; nevertheless, they also seek to celebrate the progressive of such positions.


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