Diaspora, Colonialism and the main postcolonial theories

Imran Majeed Bhat

Diaspora, Colonialism and the main postcolonial theories

Keywords : Colonialism, Post-Colonialism, diaspora, orient, imperialism


Diaspora is as old as human history. It was here in pre-history times and we get a few glances of it in religious scriptures- the Bible as well as the Ouran. It was when the Jews were scattered out of Palestine and Egypt. Asserians threw them out of Palestine and Pharo drew then from Egypt. As such the word ‘diaspora’ or ‘diasporic’ got stuck with the Jews. Still it meant for Jews alone. The word comes from the Greek verb which means ‘to scather’ which clearly shows in the Greek world, too, there were forcible movements of people from comparatively stronger city-states to other places. With the rise of modern civilization there grew the European Imperialism which subjugated almost all the Eastern Countries and changed them into Colonies. It was an era of exploitation- political, culture as well as educational. Post colonialism followed colonialism and the colonized countries got freedom. The native overcame political and cultural imperialism. There appeared dozen of writers from the third world who contributed their intellectual might to postcolonial Theory. Their contribution much misunderstanding between the West and the Orient. They asked the writers from the West to shed their misgivings about the East and to make true estimate of its culture.


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