Emerging threats of cyber crimes

Kumar Harsh

Emerging threats of cyber crimes

Keywords : Cyber Crimes, Internet, Virtual Space


Information technology (IT) is now an integral part of day to day life. One cannot imagine socio-economic development without help of IT. Information technology is the fast growing technology in the world and it is now recognised as a measure of development. Due to widespread use of the technology by Government, Corporate and industrial sectors, the criminal abuse of the technology is also increasing day by day. Cyber crimes in India have soared nearly 350 percent within three years but the law relating to cyber offences remain to be inadequate. National Crimes Record Bureau (NCRB) statistics shows that the number of recorded cases of cyber crimes has jumped to 4356 from 966 in three years. The challenges for India are much greater because of vast population of about 302 million internet users. About 24% of population is expected to be online very soon. Those who are prosecuted and arrested for cyber crimes are mostly young people between ages of 18-20 years. Cyber attacks are becoming more and more sophisticated and brazen day by day. Security analysis called the year 2013 as mega breach year with about 62% increase in the breach as compared to 2012. Both sophistication and brazenness are apparent in recent attacks. The offences like spear fishing, intelligent emails etc. targets at individuals by making emotional connection. The experts say that there are now more apprehensions of attacks on sophisticated cars medical devices etc. Children are venerable to risky behaviours on virtual space. If any child remains hooked to the internet for long hours, there is high risk and preventive care must be taken for this because paedophiles, kidnappers, sex offenders and black mailers etc. are on the prowl on the virtual space. Everyone should take precautions while using bank’s debit or credit cards as well as while online internet transactions.


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