Spatial inconsistency of the Azores space centre
- Author ABOSSOLO Samuel Aimé
- Co-Author BATHA Romain Armand Soleil, AMOUGOU Joseph Armathé, FONDZE Gilbert BAMBOYE
- Country : Cameroon
- Subject : Geograpy
The Azores play an important role in the general atmospheric circulation, from which the name action centres usually given to it. In Europe during winter and spring, but sometimes in summer also, it moves towards the Iberian Peninsula. These movements cause the depression to move more to the north in summer and bringing sunny weather in England and Central Europe. Several methods are used to elucidate the mechanism of mesoclimates and macroclimates linked to the movement of the Azores. This is the case of the vangeguema method which allows for the study of atmospheric movements that permits for a better fight against major climatic calamities by improving on forecast and elaboration of prevention. Results show that in Africa, the Azores direct sea breezes on the western Atlantic coast and are partly responsible for aridity in the Western Sahara and the summer dryness of the Mediterranean basin. Data analysed over the period from 1973 to 1994 show the existence of monthly as well as annual fluctuations and perturbations. This brings significant structural modifications in the climatic system and even in the seasonal distribution of the amount of rainfall that goes beyond the Atlantic Ocean.
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