Maiduguri and Ndjamena are two cities on the same latitude. Their latitudinal rapprochement does not confer the same rainfall, since both cities have different amounts of rainfall. At the annual level, a constant decrease in rainfall is observed in the two cities over the period of the study. The observed decline is confirmed by the negative trends of equations. Rainfall break points are at different periods respectively in 1963 for Maiduguri, and 1962 for Ndjamena. The cumulative changes in precipitation for both regions shows an increase phase, which begins in 1932 and ends in 1961 in Ndjamena, and in 1963 in Maiduguri. Then the two localities experience a stable period of twenty years, which is followed by a generalised fall until 1991. The latitudinal proximity of the cities of Maiduguri and Ndjamena, both located in Sudano-Sahelian zone, lets appear slightly differentiated average rainfall. These annual averages obtained indicate that Maiduguri is watered (605,4mm) than Ndjamena (583mm), a difference of 22,4mm of rain. The Kendall Tau-B test confirms a significant correlation with a correlation coefficient of 0.41; This confirms that other inherent factors in the environment influence the evolution of rainfall.
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