Reflections of income-expenditure inequality: A socio-economic study of youth in Tehran, Iran

Mohammad Taghi Sheykhi

Reflections of income-expenditure inequality: A socio-economic study of youth in Tehran, Iran

Keywords : Income–expenditure inequality. Income-expenditure malfunctioning. Financial capability. Propensity to Consume. Vulnerability


he paper aims to reflect the gap between income and expenditure which is appearing as a socio-economic issue within the youth mostly in the developing world with special reference to Tehran City in Iran. The research has been conducted on youth. Due to malfunctioning relationship between income and expenditure, the unfavorable phenomenon of inequality emerges. Among other factors, it is usually the inflation that impairs the balance. However, when income falls, it is simultaneously tough to decrease consumption. The article explores how creating an equilibrium between income and expenditure will lead to them a satisfactory quality of life. Similarly, to decrease the vulnerability of the youth of both genders, it is advisable to promote the financial capabilities of the youth. While increasing income creates optimism, creativity within the youth rises, followed by more propensity to consume. The whole process brings about a prosperous economic cycle. In conducting the research, some 555 youth samples were randomly selected and examined through designed questionnaires in different districts of Tehran City. The research is mainly based on the hypothesis entitled: "reasonable permanent income determines the propensity to consume". Similarly, needful and relevant theories were consulted and used to complete the research.


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