Review of paradigms & factors affecting quality of work life


Quality of work life is now considered as one of the vital issue nowadays in every organisation. Employees are the forces which are behind every successful organisation. None of the organisation can be successful just because of the technology but requires the talented and experienced workforce to work with that technology to yield the enhanced output and achieve the standard aims. The term quality of work life was introduced in the late 1960s. From that period the term is gaining better attention and importance at all work place. The term quality of work life was found in 1970s in the journals. In the beginning the quality of wok life was concentrating on the impact of employment on the wellbeing and the health of the workers. With the passage of the time focus has changed. The organisations required to provide decent functioning atmosphere to the employees covering monetary and non-monetary incentives so that they can preserve their staff for the long period of time to accomplish the organisational aims. Monetary factors are not just adequate for the modern employees to make them satisfied. They also concern the conditions of job, interpersonal conflicts, conflicts of the role, job pressure, empowerment, participation and absence of challenging work etc. As the supervision style has changed from autocratic to democratic so the beliefs of the workforce with the want to accomplish more of yield efficiently and effectively, workforce look onward to the amiable and favourable working surroundings and approving terms of employment. The productivity and efficiency of an establishment majorly depends upon the quality of work life being provided to the employees. In this review article about the Quality of work life- development of QWL, meaning and concepts, major constructs – paradigms and valuable studies conducted brings out the clarity about the elements of the QWL has been considered.


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