Resource mobilization of mutual fund industry in India: An empirical analysis


A mutual fund is a company that pools money from many investors and invest the money in stocks, bonds, short term money market instruments, other securities or assets or some combinations of these instruments. This study is concerned with the performance of the mutual fund industry for the last fifteen years - from the 2000 to 2015. The study aims to know the current scenario of the Indian Mutual Fund industry, and also it is concerned with the analysis of institution wise resource mobilization, scheme wise and category wise performance of Asset Under Management and unit holding patterns of mutual funds in India. Besides these, it analyses the correlation between the net sales and net purchases of mutual funds. The mutual funds have their own merits and demerits compared to the direct investing in individual securities. But today mutual fund investment plays an important role in household finance. So many factors influence the performance of the mutual fund industry in India. The mutual fund industry faces a few problems which can be reduced through proper measures. The increasing number of households and rise in the income levels etc. provides wide scope to make investments in mutual funds.


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