An analysis of DI flashcards and reading racetracks with and without a lotto game to teach letter names: A failure to replicate reading racetracks with preschoolers

T. F. McLaughlin

An analysis of DI flashcards and reading racetracks with and without a lotto game to teach letter names: A failure to replicate reading racetracks with preschoolers

Keywords : preschool students with disabilities, letter names, flashcards, reading racetracks, lotto game, failure to replicate reading racetracks


Learning to read is critical for academic success and can be enhanced by the kindergarten preparedness skill of letter naming. The purpose of this study was determine the effectiveness of DI flashcards and a reading racetrack procedure on the expressive letter identification of three children in a special education preschool program. A multiple baseline across letter groups and participants was employed. Social behaviors by the participants, toward the reading racetrack procedure, led to the decision to replace the reading racetrack with an alphabet lotto game. A combination of student behaviors appeared to be a factor, with one participant apparently knowing the letter names prior to the study and requiring praise to increase his performance. A second participant engaged in high rates of aggressive behaviors during the sessions. Learning varied among children, although all improved over their baseline performance. Suggestions for special education preschool classroom personnel were provided.


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