A Knowledge Based System for Neck Pain Diagnosis

Samy S. Abu Naser

A Knowledge Based System for Neck Pain Diagnosis

Keywords : Expert Systems, Knowledge Based System, SL5 Object, Neck Diseases


Modern life and scientific achievements contributed to the worsening of neck pain problems in great shape. Especially in people who work in offices and students in schools or universities. There are many neck diseases that people encounter in their lives. Therefore, the main objectives of this paper are to help people who suffer from neck pain by diagnosing their conditons through our knowledge based system. Further more, this system which we are presenting will give patient the correct diagnosis of the disease and the treatment required. In this paper the strategy of the Knowledge Based System for diagnosing many of the existed neck diseases: (Abnormalities in the bone or joints, Trauma, Poor posture, Degenerative diseases, Tumors, Muscle strain) is presented, an overview about the neck diseases are outlined, the cause of diseases are sketched and the treatment of disease at any time possible is given. SL5 Object expert system language for the suggested knowledge based system is used.


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