In vivo Effect of some calcium salts on the development of post-harvest fungi Penicillium italicum and Rhizopus stolonifer in citrus fruit


In vivo Effect of some calcium salts on the development of post-harvest fungi Penicillium italicum and Rhizopus stolonifer in citrus fruit


The in vivo efficacy of silicate, hydroxide, oxide, sulfate and calcium hypochlorite were tested on the development of fungi responsible for storage rot in citrus fruit. In vivo, 600 ppm of calcium silicate, calcium hydroxide and calcium oxide inhibited superficial rot due to Penicillium italicum and Rhizopus stolonifer with 51 and 86% on fruit Orange and 52 and 85% on Clémentine. The depth of rot inside the fruit decreased with 53 and 85% in Orange and 50 and 91% in Clémentine.


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