A Review on Various Approaches of Classification Based On Attributes Selection in Data Mining

Sapna Mittal

A Review on Various Approaches of Classification Based On Attributes Selection in Data Mining

Keywords : Data Mining, Fuzzy KNN, SVM, CRM, Classification.


Data mining is the process of extraction of information from various datasets on the basis of different attributes. Mining has to be done to extract hidden relationship between various database entities. On the basis of these entities, different types of decisions are taken for the extraction of different relationships. In the customer relationship management, different relational attributes are available in the dataset. This dataset contains the information about the relations of the customer with an enterprise. The dataset has to be classified using rules for extraction of information. Mainly Churn, appetency, up selling and score are the major entities which will be considered in the proposed work. To overcome the problems of CRM database a new hybrid algorithm is introduced which will be the combination of GA and Fuzzy KNN classification.


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