Influence des bio-fertilisants rhizobien et mycorhizien sur la capacité germinative de Pericopsis elata dans la Région du Centre (Nkol-Lomgo) Cameroun.


Pericopsis elata (Harms) var. Meeuven is a tree of high conservation value and economic, family Fabaceae and subfamily Faboideae. It belongs to a large group of plants, which have the particularity to fix atmospheric nitrogen. This fixation is due to the presence of Bradyrhizobium bacteria present in root nodules. In countries such as Cameroon, Congo and the Democratic Republic of Congo, where the taxon is subsumed, natural regeneration generally does not favor the replacement of exploited populations. Therefore, in order to avoid its decline, CITES and IUCN strongly recommend the full protection of the taxon. Considering assisted regeneration from symbiotic microorganisms can be an alternative for sustainable management. In this regard, a study was carried out, the main objective being to seek to promote mycorrhization and nodulation with symbiotic strains identified from pre-germinated seeds and inoculated with known beneficial microorganisms. In this regard, a methodology on germination tests and inoculation was presented according to 4 types of treatments (Negative control, M-, Mycorrhized M+, Bradyrhizobium R+ and Mycorhized + Bradyrhizobium M+ + R +). The results obtained during the various experiments show that: the germination capacity of P. elata is maximal in the first two months (December and January) with 86 and 70.66 % germination respectively after the release. As far as nodulation is concerned, the taxon produces nodules one month after the sowing date. On the other hand, planting from these nurseries indicated significant differences between Mycorhized + Bradyrhizobium (278 ± 0.667) and control (136.18 ± 0.17), in particular on the height of the plants. . There is also a dark green color on all the individuals resulting from the inoculated double treatments. At the same time, the red coloration observed on the sections of the nodules indicates the presence of the leghmoglobin protein responsible for the transport of oxygen inside the bacteroids. These preliminary results can help to complement the knowledge of the ecology of Pericopsis elata in the forest zone of the southern Cameroon.


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