Modeling and Simulation Aortic Vascular Architecture

Ilea Mihai

Modeling and Simulation Aortic Vascular Architecture

  • Author Ilea Mihai
  • Co-Author Turnea Marius, Arotaritei Dragos, Rotariu Mariana, Gheorghita Andrei
  • DOI
Keywords : Angiography processing, Mathematical modeling, vascular architecture; Matlab


The application of general systems theory in the complex study of the blood circulation in the terminal branches of the aorta is determined by the need to deepen the research of the arteries in this field to a superior level than the morphological one and especially, by the desire to find new correlations between the morphological disposal and functional characteristics. Lower limb arteries may be considered as belonging to the terminal arterial system, which consists of many subsystems. The detailed knowledge of organizational and structural features of each subsystem will determine the procedural character of general systems theory in the sense that the entire terminal arterial system possesses superior characteristics to those of the subsystems that enables it to ensure a sufficient and effective blood supply in the lower limb arteries. The modeling and simulation of vascular architecture aims at the localization of potential vascular pathologies that cannot be observed by direct visualization of the angiography. The purposed modeling and simulation tool has graphical user interfaces (GUI), that show all the information and actions available for a user (for example, icons or visual indicators), in this case a bioengineer, as opposed to text-based interfaces, which provide only commands that need to be typed. Graphical user interface is a tool for processing and simulation of imaging data and is composed of a main menu, through which you can select the desired type of activity: angiography image processing; mathematical modeling and simulation of vascular architecture Image processing used to enhance the quality of the images is a way of assessing the performance of the algorithms employed in the modification of the grey contrast, adjustment of the histogram, elimination of the blurring effect and image segmentation. The user has the possibility of adjusting different parameters and then tries several options by creating experimental skills used to decide on the optimum level of image processing when working with blood vessels. Mathematical modeling and simulation of the terminal arteries based on image processing arteriography (on iliac artery and femoral artery trajectory) while using polynomial regression, makes this tool useful not only in training, but also in research.


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