Emotional Intelligence among Social Work Professionals


Emotional Intelligence among Social Work Professionals

Keywords : Social Work, Emotional Intelligence, Wong & Law Emotional Intelligence Scale


Emotional Intelligence is defined as being able to recognize emotions in self and others, understanding how emotions work and being able to manage emotions. Knowing the crucial role of emotions and relationships in the social work chore, the rapid growth of literature reveals the relevance of EI to social work is behind the schedule and it’s time to re-evaluate and work on it. In this study, the relationship between emotional intelligence, measured by the Wong and Law Emotional Intelligence were examined with a sample of social work professionals in different fields (N=100). Demographic profile such as age group gender, the order of birth, marital status, type of family, education, occupational grade, income, working experience in the current job and prior working experience have selected The findings proved that the level of emotional intelligence among social work professionals is moderate.


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