Multi-Path Routing Algorithm with Multiple Mobile Sinks WSN


Multi-Path Routing Algorithm with Multiple Mobile Sinks WSN

Keywords : WSN, Event Driven, Stationary Sink, Mobile Sink


WSN (wireless sensor network) has various sensor nodes either moving or stationary in nature. It contains multiple mobile sinks. These mobile sinks are moving in specified path and these mobile sinks are generally moving in nature, So that they can collect the data from the sensor nodes. The base technique was based on multiple mobile sinks which receives the data from sensor nodes when certain event will occur. Compare to it with the base technique which has only single sink and fixed in position. The entire sensor node sends the data to the sink node using relay nodes. Both the techniques have been compared on the basis of various performance parameters like network life time, data transmission, and residual energy. In all the parameters new technique has outperforms the old technique. Such that over all there is an improvement of 21%. So on the basis of current research it is clear that network of wsn nature with multiple mobile sinks works more efficient that the network with single mobile sink.


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