A Review on Different Character Segmentation Techniques for Handwritten Gurmukhi Scripts

Manas Kaur

A Review on Different Character Segmentation Techniques for Handwritten Gurmukhi Scripts

Keywords : Segmentation, OCR, Script


Hand Written Gurmukhi Script Recognition is the most researched topic in the field of OCR. Large numbers of old scripts are written on to the papers. These require to be digitized. Now the issue point is that the segmentation of the Gurmukhi text is required. It is easy to extract the text or letters if the text is equally spaced. But it will be difficult if the text letters are touching or overlapped. There are four kinds of approaches used for segmentation of the overlapped characters, which are Classical approach; Recognition based approach, Holistic approach and Hybrid approach. Classical approach was most successful approach, it sub divides the large image into smaller parts. Each sub division is based on logical size of each character.


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