Methods of Shoreline Demarcation and Validation using Remote Sensing and GIS

N. Shenbagaraj

Methods of Shoreline Demarcation and Validation using Remote Sensing and GIS

Keywords : shoreline, supervised, unsupervised, grey level threshold, non-directional edge detection, band ratio, visual interpretation and DSAS


The shoreline is one of the rapidly changing linear features in the coastal zone. The shoreline identification is very difficult because it is dynamic in nature. It is base feature for identifying the shoreline changes and future prediction. In this study, supervised classification, unsupervised classification, grey level threshold method, non-directional edge detection and band ratio method have been applied to demarcate the shoreline from Landsat 7 ETM+ sensor 2009 image and validated by the visual interpreted shoreline. Shoreline validation based from the length of shoreline and shoreline distance from the baseline. The length of shoreline from visual interpretation, band ratio and NIR band threshold method is more or less same and validated based from the graph.


  • Vignesh
    2017-11-21 00:01:40

    Good work. Having plenty and clear data will be useful for further research.

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