Effect of microorganisms and storage environments on ripening and Spoilage of Plantain (Musa paradisiaca) fruits sold in Eke Awka market

Umeh, S.O.

Effect of microorganisms and storage environments on ripening and Spoilage of Plantain (Musa paradisiaca) fruits sold in Eke Awka market

Keywords : Food spoilage, Plantain, food storage, low temperature, spoilage organisms, ethylene gas


Activity of microorganisms and effect of storage environments on ripening and spoilage of plantain (Musa paradisiaca) fruits were investigated. It was observed that it took ripe fruits stored in the fridge longer time to develop mould spots and final spoilage. Also unripe fruits stored in the refrigerator stayed for 29 days to ripe and 28 days more to spoil. Unripe fruits stored in jute bags ripe faster in 8 days and spoil in the next 12 days. Bacteria isolated from the pulp of the spoilt ripe plantain fruits include; Lactobacillus sp, Streptococcus sp, Staphylococcus sp, Bacillus sp, and Proteus sp. Those isolated from the peel are; Streptococcus sp, Enterobacter sp, and Pseudomonas sp. The following fungi were isolated from the peels as well as the mould spot regions of the ripe fruits; Candid sp, Aspergillus sp, Saccharomyces sp, and Rhizopus sp. The bacterial organisms associated with the spoilt unripe fruits include; Streptococcus sp, Aeromonas sp, and Escherichia coli and fungi isolated are; Aspergillus sp, Candida sp and Rhizopus sp. There is no specific role played by these organisms on the ripening time of the fruits rather they accumulate to cause spoilage. The rate of accumulation of these organisms was low when the fruits were stored in the refrigerator maintained at 4oC. It is therefore advised that ripe and unripe plantain fruits be stored in the refrigerator or in a very low temperature environment devoid of microorganisms to achieve long time storage.


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