Correlation of Mathematics with Other Disciplines

Sandeep Kumar

Correlation of Mathematics with Other Disciplines

Keywords : Correlation, Variables, Mathematics, Science, Arts


The term of‘correlation’is“connect” or “to be connected”. Particularly‘Correlation’ means mutual relation of two or more things or mutual relation of two or more than two things.
The relation may be inverse or direct. For example if there are two variables ‘a’ and ‘b’, if there is increase or decrease in one will effect on other. It is really a brainstorming activity which involves lots of efforts to be establishing relationship between school Subjects. According to Lathrop:“Correlation indicates a joint-relationship between two variables.". Mathematics is “Science of all Sciences” and “Art of all Arts”. After understanding the basic concept of mathematics, students need to correlate the importance and concept of mathematics with other subjects, so as to understand other subjects easily and establishing relationship. Mathematical knowledge plays a crucial role in understanding the contents of other subjects.


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