Appraising Literature of Green Human Resource Management


Appraising Literature of Green Human Resource Management

Keywords : Green human resource management, eco-friendly techniques, sustainability, employee retention


The establishment of human resource policies and practices that lead to the protection and preservation of natural resources is termed as green human resource management. Under this environmental friendly initiative are taken by the human resource department in order to reduce cost and indeed to increase the efficiency of the employees. It indirectly has a positive impact on the employee commitment, engagement and employee retention. The main purpose of Green Human Resource Management is to adopt eco -friendly techniques in the management terms. This can be accomplished by implementing HR policies and practices, issuing laws related to the protection of environment and providing training to the people. The main goal of green HRM is to sustainably use the available resources and to enhance the sustainability of the environment. This helps in increasing the awareness and involvement of the employees towards the process. The core elements of green HR are to preserve the knowledge capital and at the same time to enhance the environment. The green human resource management helps in creating awareness among the employees towards establishing a sustainable environment among the existing employees and the new talent. The organization should encourage their employees to assist organization to reduce the causes of environmental degradation through green policies and procedures. This will help in saving resources for the future generation.


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