‘Pashupata’ to ‘Shiva’: The Journey of a ‘Nature God’ to a ‘Supreme Vedic Deity’

Satendra Kumar Mishra

‘Pashupata’ to ‘Shiva’: The Journey of a ‘Nature God’ to a ‘Supreme Vedic Deity’

Keywords : Pashupata, Rudra, Vedic, Shiva


As per the Puranas, the transformation of Pashupata to Vedic Rudra and finally to Shiva was a slow process of shifting culture closely interacting with each other. On critical analysis it is observed that it happened due to the multiplicity of belief systems attached to Shiva by all the ideologically same but different distinct sects who worshipped him. It is to be noted that the different sects took the same Pashupata in remarkably different ways thereby assigning different ideological identities to Pashupata and Rudra, and even then there is only one Shiva.


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