Application of Iot in Smart Cities: A Case Study

H. Santhi

Application of Iot in Smart Cities: A Case Study

  • Author H. Santhi
  • Co-Author P. Gayathri, Shaik Naseera, Gopichand, Geraldine Bessie Amali
  • DOI
Keywords : ICT, IoT, Smart Santander, SSL


Nowadays the idea of smart cities is spreading globally and every city wants to become a smart city. Smart cities are those which include integrated Information and Communication technology in almost all assets of life. These ICTs are used to improve quality of life and provides better performance of technologies at cheaper costs and provide interaction between these sources. The most emerging technology in today’s world is IOT which can be implemented for a smart city. IOT is applied nowadays in almost every aspect of life like health, roads, waste management, lights, transportation, buildings and many more implementation of IoT will totally change the verge of development in smart cities and every part of the smart cities will glow behind the opportunity of IoT implementation within the city.


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