Kshemendra: A Versatile Genius

Richa Sharma

Kshemendra: A Versatile Genius

Keywords : Kashmir, Sanskrit, Kshemendra, Satire


Kashmir, the crown of India found its first and oldest written account in the sixth century Sanskrit Classic, the Nilmatpurana. The most outstanding contribution of Kashmir to the rich and varied cultural heritage of India has been the development and spread of the Sanskrit language and literature. Kashmiri Pandits took pains “in keeping the Sanskrit language pure and perfect”. Kashmiri authors have made valuable contribution to Sanskrit language and literature. Kashmiri writers have produced a galaxy of poets and dramatists in Sanskrit. Influenced by the natural beauty of their homeland, its lofty mountains, lakes, waterfalls and charming flowers of multitudinous colours, they wrote dramas, epics, lyrical as well as dialectical poems, essays, fiction and anthologies. Having achieved a high distinction in Sanskrit language and literature, some of the poets and writers made a mark in the rest of India where they were welcomed with honour. One of such writers is Kshemendra.


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