Enhancing the Performance of Aodv by Securing the Network from Black Hole and Wormhole Attacks
- Author Hardeep Kaur
- Co-Author Jyoti Rani
- Country : India
- Subject : Computer Science
MANET is the mobile ad-hoc network where various mobile nodes intercommunicate to each other. These nodes moves at specific speed depends upon the type of node, whether it is vehicle node or it is pedestrian node, or it is helicopter node. As there is no central controller which controls the authenticity of the node. So there are various malicious nodes intermediately. These malicious nodes can destroy the relayed data packets. And reduces the network performance by reducting Throughput, End to End Delay, Packet Delivery Ratio and Success Rate. In current research we have focused on to the identifying Black Hole and Worm Hole by having hash key between the source node and the relay node. Black Hole node is such node which destroys the sent data. But warm hole node misroute the packets it receives.
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