Extraction of bio-diesel from Mahua oil by using trans-esterification process and blended with diesel


This Paper deals with the preparation and blending of Mahua oil using trans-esterification process used as fuel to run an engine from the surveying many literatures as reference we have choose the combination of bio-diesel and diesel. And also we have done performance testing and emission test for this combination. The B20 is a better performed fuel in both the cases also if possible we have replaced the diesel with this vegetable oil as a fuel in our daily practices. We also observe that NOX gas emission 10% reduced while we compare with regular diesel, the level of O2 emission will reduced up to 20% similarly smoke opacity got decreased around 8%. Without modifying the engine we got these results if possible we can replace this and it will help to control the air pollution and also avoid the carbon content in the atmosphere.


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