The impact of interest free co-operative society on human capital development in Oyo state, Nigeria


This study examined the Impact of Interest Free Co-Operative Society on Human Capital Development in Oyo State, Nigeria. This study adopted the stratified sampling technique and the simple random sampling technique. Stratified sampling technique was used to divide Oyo state into three senatorial districts Two fifty questionnaires were administered randomly to the members of free interest cooperative societies which were analyzed using Chi-Square. Findings show that1% increases in Interest Free Co-Operative Society increases the rate of Human Capital Development by 0.46%, there is significant effect of Interest Free Co-Operative Society on Human Capital Development in Oyo state. The entire statistic outcomes Wilks’ lambda (0.4619), Pillai's trace (0.5381), Lawley-Hotelling trace (1.1651) and Roy's largest root (1.1651) suggest the positive significant effect of Interest Free Co-Operative Society on Human Capital Development. It is concluded that the Interest Free Co-Operative Society has positive significant impact on Human Capital Development in Oyo state. It is now recommended that government should assist the society financially so that their members will be empowered to boost their business which will ultimately create employment opportunity, and thereby enhance economic growth and development of the state.


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