The impact of organophosphorus and carbamate compounds on cholinesterase among Gandato agricultural scheme farmers

Ali Ibrahim Elamin

The impact of organophosphorus and carbamate compounds on cholinesterase among Gandato agricultural scheme farmers


This analytical study was carried out to detect the impact of organophosphorus and carbamate compounds on cholinesterase among Gandato agricultural scheme farmers.this agricultural scheme is one of two major schemes in Shandi town,178km northern Khartoum. an interview was done with the farmers to detect the type of insecticides that used by the farmers. sample size was detected using the formula:
(1+no/N) Where:
n: Simpel size.
no: initial sample size.
N:Population size.
A questionnaire also was designed and filled by farmers (both users and nonusers of Ops and carbamates compounds) then the blood test for two groups was done to detect the effect of such compounds on acetyl chorine esterase (AChE) activity, and it was found that (24.4%) of them has a depletion in their AChE activity.while only (2.2 %) of the control group were affected. In spite of that, (70.8%) of the exposed group were not trained about spraying insecticides, 74.5% of them did not received any caution measures or guidance from the sellers. The study showed that there is a clear relation between (AChE) depletion and preventive measures used by exposed group after using insecticides (P.V< 0.05).

Consent: The objectives of this study was clearly explained to the general manager of the farmers’ union in Shendi agricultural schemes( Gandato and Kabosheyah) who explained the scientific goals of the study to all farmers and acquired their consent and voluntary participation in blood examination.


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