Symbolism in “The Fog” of “Dreams in the Desert”, by Lehr Niazi


Symbolism is one of the important figures of speech. It is the way to describe the inner feelings by the poet. Every poet has deep insight in his society, so he uses his first-hand knowledge and experience through symbolism in his writings. The poet conveys his message to the readers by the help of symbolism. Symbols used in “The Fog” of “Dreams in the Desert”, by Lehr Niazi are personal as well as universal. These symbols can be of many types. Every writer selects his symbols, keeping in view of the main idea behind his writings. These symbols always create attraction and charm in the writings. Through symbolism, it is very easy to convey the message to the reader. The use of symbols creates variety and beauty in the piece of literature. It is very easy to convey the hidden message to the reader within a few lines by the help of symbolism. Through the analysis of symbols used in “The Fog” of “Dreams in the Desert”, by Lehr Niazi, the researcher would try to highlight the real meanings and beauty of the poem, so that the reader can get easily the real message and enjoyment out of the symbols used in it.


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