‘’फादर जोसेफ डेमियन:- महारोग्यात ज्याने ख्रिस्त गाजविला’’
- Country : India
- Subject : Literature
"There is no exile in the kingdom of God. The soul never gets sick":- Joseph Damien
Father Joseph Damien was born on January 3, 1840 in the small village of Tremelau in Belgium. From an early age, he was involved with the church and Ecclesiastes, and as a child Joseph became interested in serving as an evangelist. Dedicated to: A place where death will embrace you only when you are gone, he accepted death in service. In the United States of America there is a beautiful island called Molokai on the western Pacific Ocean lake. But people are cruel and barbaric in nature. Damian overcame all the challenges that lie ahead by choosing the field of service he served, and the missionary movement with his physical death to win souls for Christ.
Joseph Damien himself was groping for leprosy and carried wood on his shoulders. They collected mulch from trees and built many huts with hard work. Life expectancy increased. Tell me what a miracle this is. God gave Joseph Damien power, and with that power he laid the foundation for a new missionary movement in Europe in the eighteenth century.
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