Stakeholders, ethics and time: Three key challenges of contemporary integration management in Mauritian megaprojects

Betchoo Nirmal Kumar

Stakeholders, ethics and time: Three key challenges of contemporary integration management in Mauritian megaprojects

Keywords : Integration management, stakeholders, ethics, time, challenge, response


This research paper identifies three key issues of integration management namely stakeholders, ethics and time as applicable to Mauritius, an island nation in the Indian Ocean. In the present economic context, these concepts are important in ensuring effective integration management. Stakeholders coming from different backgrounds like investors, government and the population at large become a more dominant force over the years and have greater control of project management. In line with stakeholder’s perception comes ethics that aims at ensuring that projects are undertaken in the most acceptable and transparent manner. To make projects efficient, time management could be another important variable as it is usually seen that time wastage contributes to turning useful projects into white elephants. This research posits that integration management needs to be highly focused on these key variables to ensure that contemporary projects are managed according to the expectation and satisfaction of the community. Based on case references in the Mauritian context with an unbiased view, this research focusing on three mega State projects―namely the Metro Express, the Heritage City and Nine-Year Schooling―states that due emphasis made on each of the three variables; stakeholders, ethics and time, contributes to addressing today’s challenge and response to integration management.


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