Threshold DV-HOP based Localization Technique for WSN

Virdevinder Singh

Threshold DV-HOP based Localization Technique for WSN

Keywords : Hop Count, DV hop, Residual Energy


Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks has become a crucial research challenge. In many applications, the exact location of the sensor nodes is unknown after deployment. Localization is a process used to locate sensor nodes’ positional coordinates. WSN type of network where various nodes consists of moving and static topology. There are sink nodes where whole data is collected once it will be sensed by stationary and mobile wireless sensor node. This process of collecting the data is undertaken after each interval of time. For data transmission of data from sensor node to the base station through the cluster head requires energy that is battery power. Current research objective is to make system such that minimum energy should be wasted. Threshold based DV-Hop localization algorithm. Rather than calculate the all beacon node average weighted distance. Technique will be used will set the threshold over to the hop count. So that only those beacon nodes will be considered for average weighted hop distance, whose hop distance is less than or equal to the threshold hop distance. In result it will reduces the computational and storage overhead. Because doing so requires less energy because base sink remains nearer and shorter path is identified. But the technique are being experimented using various parameters like Energy, Time, error rate etc. so that each parameter can be tested for having better system analysis. The parameters like Energy, Time, and error rate has shown the improvement in current research compared to the previous research.


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