A Conceptual Study of Hetu of Pranavaha Srotodushti with Special Reference to “Srotansi Anyaishch Darunai’’
- Author Trupti V. Kalyanshetti,
- Co-Author Ankita U. Mandpe, G.H. Kodwani, Meera. A. Aurangabadkar
- Country : India
- Subject : Pathology
Srotas are channels which transport different Bhavpadartha through body. Pranavaha Srotas is one of the important physiological unit of the body which can be correlated with respiratory system. Pranvaha Srotodushti can occur due to various reasons, amongst those, Srotansi Anyaishch Darunai is important. Here an effort is made to establish importance of Anya Srotas Darun Dushti in Hetus of Pranvaha srotodushti. For this, Samanya Lakshana, Upadrava and Asadhya Lakshana of some diseases are taken into consideration. Shwas is the main symptom of Pranvaha srotodushti. In Shotha, Udar, Chhardi, Upadrava and Arishta have Shwas lakshana. It indicates increasing severity of Anya Srotas Dushti causing Pranvaha Srotodushti. Pandu, Kaphodara, Plehodara, Dakodara has Shwas as Samanya Lakshana. Raktapitta, Prameha, Atisara and Jwara have Shwas as Updrava. The pathophysiology of Shwas lakshana in these diseases is tried to establish as per modern view to. Advanced stages of generalized edema, ascites, cronic fever, anaemia, dehydration due to diarrhea or vomiting cause dyspnea and its prognosis is bad. The concept of Anya Srotas Darun Dushti in Pranvaha Srotodushti is of importance in diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of the disease and it is applicable in today’s modern era too.
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