The EU route to federalism
- Author Dragos Ionut ONESCU
- Country : France
- Subject : law
With the massive expansion in 2004 and 2007, one of the pressing problems that have started to make a more definite in theoretical disputes pan-European on the destiny Union is about to change in a future more or less distant, institutional form of the European community; highlighted so that the current structure of risk over time, mainly due to the growing number of states to prove unviable, inoperable. I propose in these paper to present the way that the European Union had yet its birth to federalism. Radically different from the situation but US European federalism is facing a latent but more difficult opponent: extremely complex heterogeneity that characterizes our continent; if converting a union initially in a federation strong managed abundant success in the case of former colonies had a common language, a brief history and its own culture virtually nonexistent, things can be, but more complicated in the case of 27 entities that counts from several hundred thousand to 80 million people who have different languages and cultures and a common history not only long, but also marked by events quite often bloody.
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