Factual and conceptual aspects of the European Union


The European Union is presented as an entity that lacks consensus on their common values. From a global point of view the EU consists of a number of actors each with distinct common values. In other words, diversity is an essential characteristic in terms of values for the existing EU mechanisms, guaranteeing national identity simultaneously with the European identity and vision centered on the Union poles. Amongst these, harmony, solidarity and prosperity is the basis form of European Union to start from the point of cohesion policy and Common Security and Defense Policy. Europe's future can only be the result of a process of unification with East West in terms of both space and below the value. In terms of the latter, the West's advance cannot be disputed. It is the result of a historical experiences of Central and Eastern Europe declined. To be sustainable, an integrated Europe will have to dedicate for their members the "solidarity rights" and "right to be divers". To the extent that they want to overcome their current deficit through unity of power and insecurity derived from it, European nations will be forced to understand that their identity is composed of negative elements or absolute, to be abandoned and positive elements that must be preserved. In turn, the European Union today will be indispensable to notice that her problem is that of transferring the pattern in the eastern half of the continent, but to assist countries there in building institutions compatible, based on a set of shared values and executed with "bricks national traditions".


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