IFRS Adoption and the Quality of Accounting Information of Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria
- Country : Nigeria
- Subject : Management Sciences
This study examines Effect of Adoption of IFRS on the Quality of Accounting Information of Money Deposit Banks in Nigeria; The Data was sourced from the annual reports of the randomly selected ten listed banks in Nigeria from 2007 to 2016. The major objective of the study is to review the effect of the adoption of IFRSs on the quality of financial reports of money deposit Banks in Nigeria. In other to achieve the objectives of the study as stated in chapter one, objective one will be captured using panel ordinary least square regression and objective two will be captured using paired t-test to compare the quality of accounting information before adoption and after adoption of international financial reporting standards The results shows that R- squared is 81%.which implies 81% total variation in QAI can be explained by explanatory variable, this follows that the independent variable are sufficient to explain the dependent variable(quality of accounting information). The F-statistic is 2.007870 with probability value of 0.026393 at p<0.05.this statically significant and implies that the model has high goodness of fit and is significant, therefore the model is well specified and can be estimated.the durbin-watson statistic value of 2 implies that the result is free from serial auto correlation problem. Specifically, the correlation coefficient of IFRS is 0.79438 with probability value of 0.0105 at p<0.05. This is positively and statically significant.it shows that there is direct and significant relationship between IFRS adoption and quality of accounting information. The result also found that there was a positive and significant relationship between ROA, Growth, Size, Age and Quality of Accounting Information. The study therefore recommends this study is contributed to knowledge because researches on related topic use other various method of analysis to evaluate the impact of IFRS adoption. Also, further research should extend the sample size and the time horizon of the study in order to add to the findings reported her
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