Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development

Marija Knežević

Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development

Keywords : Sustainable development, development strategy, social entrepreneurship, environment, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Sustainable policy is the goal of every country, and it includes a well-balanced development policy of society, economy, human. In this trend, it is necessary to establish a balance between the basic elements of sustainability: development level, situational resources, human resources, management.

Sustainability applies to all sectors of society: local community, private sector, public administration, where sustainable policy creates conditions that will harmonize the balance between the specified dimensions. In this context, social entrepreneurship should be viewed as one of the most important balance particles in developing countries, since they do not have the accumulated resources or tradition of high level of development. Social entrepreneurship is an innovative way in which society could solve different economic, educational, health and environmental problems in their community through their work - by joining and using a sustainable business model. This entrepreneurship is a powerful lever in developing countries, because they reduce the accumulation of capital in entrepreneurs themselves, and increase the total social capital that supports the development and overcoming of a low level of development, thus fostering new jobs and new businesses, but with a strong orientation towards sustainability, which primarily relates to the protection of the environment and care for future generations.


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