Improvement of Performance Characteristics of Optical Elements by Using Finishing Electron Beam Treatment

Yatsenko I. V.

Improvement of Performance Characteristics of Optical Elements by Using Finishing Electron Beam Treatment

Keywords : Optical electronic devices, optical glass, optical ceramics, electron beam, performance characteristics


The optimal parameters of the electron beam ranges are found (heat density Fn = 7∙106...8∙108 Wt/m2 and travel speed V = 5∙10-3... 5∙10-2 m/s), within which there is improvement of performance characteristics of optical elements: the area occupied by negative defects reduces in 1,8…2,7 times and its purity increases, the flatness remains; residual microroughnesses decrease from 30…40 nm to 0,5…1,2 nm on it; its microhardness increases in в 1,3…1,7 times and the hardened layers 210…230 µm thick are formed; there comes the change of layers structure and their homogenization, silicon-oxygen grid becomes closer to quartz glass, the light scattering coefficient reduces by 10…30 %, and coefficient of infrared radiation transmittance increases up to 2…5 %; the resistance of the elements to the external thermal and mechanical effects is increased.


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