Knowledge of Market Price Information System of Non-timber forest product among usufructs of Nepal

Rana Bahadur Rawal

Knowledge of Market Price Information System of Non-timber forest product among usufructs of Nepal

Keywords : Knowledge, Market Price Information System (MPIS), Nepal, Non-timber Forest Product (NTFPs), Usufructs


Market price information system is process to gather, review and widely disseminate the information of market and price of specific goods and services. This is the age of technology so gradually people are accessing the online communication and information from distance. People try to collect the information from online and print media as well as from the interpersonal communication also. The study aims to identify the knowledge of market price information system (MPIS) of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) among the usufructs of mid-western region of Nepal. Three districts were selected comprising the high mountain, hill and plain areas. Total 466 respondents participated in the study. The study found that the majority (95.10%) have heard about the MPIS of NTFPs whereas very few have got information from the formal channel. The available information are not sufficient to know the market size and real price of NTFPs so respondents not felt the effectiveness of current practice of MPIS.


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