Integration of Ministry of Culture & Tourism with Hotel Industry for Sustainable Management of Turkish Hotels

Ahmet Ferda Seymen

Integration of Ministry of Culture & Tourism with Hotel Industry for Sustainable Management of Turkish Hotels

Keywords : Integration, Operations, Sales & Marketing, Online Marketing, Guest Service Standards, Revenue Management, Channel Management, Accounting – Front Office & Operational Software systems, Guest Satisfact


The study undertaken will make reference to the mission and function of the Turkish Ministry of Culture & Tourism by analyzing its mission and objectives. Ministry’s role within the industry is entirely on the macro level and concentrate more on preserving cultural values and heritage. While on the hospitality sector its mission is to promote prominent cultural areas and landmark locations as potential touristic spots as well as develop new sites for different touristic facilities and attractions. Mainly Resort areas and properties, Thermal properties, City, Convention and Conference facilities, Fair and exhibition hotels. The boutique hotels, restaurants, bars and entertainment facilities are provoked to promote Turkish cuisine and ethnic/local specialties country wide. Development of the facilities above are being monitored by “Classification and Criteria’s of Accommodation Facilities” and “Norms and Specifications Guidelines” of Hospitality facilities which coincide with the specs of international organizations such as UNWTO, EU norms and US specs. There is a detailed specification for each class of hotel, its rooms, public areas, employee and operational facilities.

Turizm ve Kültür Bakanlığı. (2015). Turizm Tesisleri. Turizm tesislerinin belgelendirilmesine ve niteliklerine dair hususlar:,14518/turizm-tesislerinin-belgelendirilmesine-ve-niteliklerin-.html

TUROB. (2015). Classification Form. TUROB:

UNWTO. (2015). Hotel Classification Systems. World Tourism Organization:

The Ministry controls each project from the beginning to the opening with its technical staff and inspectors, who visit and approve projects at different stages. Ministry has branches in main cities and touristic regions of the country. The study will suggest ways for the micro involvement of the Ministry which can pave a path for successful and sustainable management of Turkish hotels.


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