Vietnamese ocean shipping: characteristics, advantages and limitations
- Author Phuoc Quy Phong Nguyen
- Co-Author Van Thu Nguyen
- Country : Vietnam
- Subject : Transport
Shipping is a transportation activity related to the use of infrastructure and means of shipping, namely the use of land and water areas associated with sea lanes connecting countries, Territories, or areas within a country, and the use of sea-going ships, loading and unloading equipment, etc., for the movement of passengers and goods on sea lanes. So far, shipping has become a modern transportation industry in the international transportation system. Shipping can be used to transport all types of goods in international trade. Most of the sea transport routes are natural transportation routes. Transport capacity of sea transport is very large. In general, the transport capacity of the shipping facility (fleet) is not restricted to the tools of other modes of transport. This paper presents the characteristics of maritime transport, advantages and limitations in Vietnam.
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