The Effect of Electromagnetic Forces and Saline Water on Hydraulic Properties of Drip Irrigation System and Soil Salinity Distribution

A.E. Abdelghany

The Effect of Electromagnetic Forces and Saline Water on Hydraulic Properties of Drip Irrigation System and Soil Salinity Distribution

Keywords : Design, Magnetic force, saline water, drip irrigation, uniformity, moisture distribution, salt distribution, turnip, yield


The aim of the present work is to designelectro-magnetic unit and evaluation of resulted magnetic force of different saline waters on the germination of different plant seeds laboratory and yield of turnip in a field experiment. The field experiments were conducted at Research and Production Station, El-Noubaria, El-Behaira Governorate (NRC), in split-plots design. Results could be summarized as following: Operating time of the uniformity test was one hour and distribution uniformity estimated for known the validation of drip irrigation system for its application in the experimental work were0.84; 89.92% (345 ppm), 0.96; 97.48 %
(2000 ppm) and 0.72; 82.36 % (4000 ppm) for DU and EU, respectively. The wetting patterns under the drippers are characterized by the depth of wetting front under the dripper and the radial wetting front at the surface. Both variables under investigation (magnetic force and water salinity) are affected positively by water and salt distribution either before or after irrigation process regarding mainly to the discharge of dripper, application rate or volume of applied irrigation water and water salinity.


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