Employees Perception on Organizational Climate Factors in Heavy Body Buildings Industry


Employees Perception on Organizational Climate Factors in Heavy Body Buildings Industry

Keywords : Organizational climate, Autonomy, Involvement and Training


Organizational climate is assessed by measuring individual employee’s perceptions of their work environment. These individual observations serve as to aggregate the data describing how well the organization performs and how well it treats their employees. In other words, organizational climate represents how the employees feel about the environment in the organization. This paper aims to analyses the employee’s perception towards organizational climate factors in the Heavy vehicles body buildings industry. Descriptive research technique is applied. Organizational climate factors such as autonomy, involvement and training are considered for this study. Questionnaire is prepared by the researcher for these factors. The primary data are collected through survey method by convenience sampling to select the employees. Sample of 456 respondents are taken. The sample respondents are working in the top companies of heavy vehicles body building in the Karur, District. The collected data are entered into the SPSS 16 version software package. Further, descriptive statistics is applied to know the employees perception towards organizational climate. It is found that autonomy, involvement, and training are the factors moderately perceived by the employees in the heavy vehicles body buildings industry.


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