Work Related Stress among the Teaching Faculty

Sivaranjani. K

Work Related Stress among the Teaching Faculty

Keywords : Work stress, teaching faculty, school teachers, college teachers


Teachers are the most resourceful persons not only for schools and colleges but also for the society. They shape the society through their mighty intervention in the life of students. Stress is unavoidable part of life due to increasing workload and complexities in daily life. Now-a-days the world is said to be world of achievement and also the world of stress. Stress is anywhere and everywhere, whether it is in family, friends, business, institute or society. Right form birth to death, each and every individual exposed to stress. In this present study, the investigator explored the pertinent factors relating to Job Stress among Teachers by reviewing the relevant literatures from the previous studies. The analysis of studies related to job stress, revealed that stress among teachers are very high level in the present scenario. Hence, the government needs to be aware of these factors of stress and to take necessary steps along with private management, in order to reduce job stress among teachers.


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