Study of Microbiocenosis of Intestine in Children of Different Age Category

Maia Elizbarashvili

Study of Microbiocenosis of Intestine in Children of Different Age Category

Keywords : monoinfection, mixed infection, dysbiosis


In order to study the microbiocenosis in children of different age categories a total of 1891 clinical samples have been investigated. It was determined that in all groups the dysbiotic disorders were evident. In 84% of children the dysbiosis were characterized with the presence of conditionally pathogenic bacteria. Mono- and mixed infections were observed in 76,5% and 23,5% of cases respectively. In the age category I and II monoinfections were 15% less than in category III and IV, while frequency of isolation Klebsiella spp. and Proteus spp. was higher in children under 1 year. Leading position in all groups was held by hemolytic E.coli.
Mixed infections were mentioned predominantly in children of category I and II and characterized by various microbial associations. A comparison of different age categories of children found out that major prevalence was for children I and II category, including those under one year – with mixed infections.


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