Processing Of Information and Performance of Secondary School Libraries as Social Organisations in Cross River State, Nigeria

Bassey, Umo Antigha

Processing Of Information and Performance of Secondary School Libraries as Social Organisations in Cross River State, Nigeria

Keywords : Processing of Information, Library performance, Secondary Schools, Social Organisation


This paper is an empirical analysis of the relationship between processing of information and performance of secondary school libraries in Cross River State. The study specifically aimed at determining if there exists significant relationship between processing of information and performance of libraries as social organisations. Census sampling technique was utilized and a total of 342 respondents were studied, utilizing both primary and secondary data in a causal research design. Using a one-way Analysis of Variance, the result revealed that library personnel from school libraries with low level of processing information had significant performance than library personnel from average or high information processing libraries. It was concluded that processing of information significantly influences the performance of library staff and recommended that school organisations should put in place facilities for information processing. Library personnel should be trained on processing of information in order to create a link between processing of information and performance of school as social organisations aim at optimizing potential of library users.


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